Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Well aint this a frosty Friday..."

I'm aware that this is being posted on a Saturday but it was pretty much completed on Friday so the title still counts! And since the error was made on a friday anyway...
What error? Well a fairly significant one. See this drawing was done as a gift for my friend Englishdamsel and was originally supposed to have only one person. When looking for source material I find that I liked the idea of two women and choose to add a friend of ED's named Brittany.
The problem is that the only images I have to off of are second life avatars. There was enough of a similairty between Brittany and another SL lady i've spoken to. I wish I could say I was tired or sumthin, but i think it was just a simple bit of cluelessness on my part that resulted in me actually confusing the two at the end.
So on all the titles and places someone else was given credit for what is supposed to be a drawing of ED and Brittany. Boy was I emberasssed by that

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